Management Access Portal
Peace of Mind Termite & Pest Management
Peace of Mind Termite & Pest Management has designed a Client Management Access Portal specifically for the Property Managers.
‘…the next generation in property management…’

The integrated software System is specifically designed to manage Property Managers work flows, by automating the process from creating the work order, to updating the Property Manager’s Client that the works have been scheduled and done.
The System is site specific and ensures that the standard of work/s carried out on each site is second to none and updated in real time at the site by us.
That means, you are notified immediately the job is done so that it is one less job to carry forward to the next day.
M.A.P is designed to
- Provide an avenue for you to be able to check the status of each job
- Be notified when the job is scheduled and complete
- Receive any documentation that relates to the job from us in a secure location
- Communicate with us in real time for any changes to the job
- Automatically be reminded when a job is again due (for period maintenance work/s)
- Create an environment so that ‘you are not time poor’
- Provides a valuable tool to show your Clients that you are investing in their property on a regular basis and controlling the cost of repairs and maintenance
- Handling Tenant Enquiries and Emergency Calls
- Provide you Peace of Mind that the Job is done…
Cost Savings
We specialise in providing you cost effective ways to control pests in the properties you manage.
We utilise a multi-job system where the more jobs per day that you book, the cheaper (in some instances as much as 50%) it becomes for you and your clients.
After recognising the top 10 things that affect Property Managers, we have been able to create a system that helps Businesses like yours get the most out of their team by eliminating inaccurate paperwork, gaining instant visibility into work schedules and efficiently getting information from the field to your office in real time.
This is how it works
This tutorial will describe the features of Client Side Customer Portal.
1. Customer Portal Link
2. Login
To log into TEST SITE use the following user name and password
Username: Atest
Password: admin
Login with the credentials provided to you above
3. Customer Portal
On the main screen you can find:
- The main menu you can toggle to see the jobs list, scheduler or documents
- Current Active Jobs for you
- Print / View the jobs by selecting them
- Add a New Job (This is available only if enabled for your account)
- Advanced Search (Allows to filter jobs list, view past completed jobs etc)
Select the job and hit View to bring up the job card as below
5. Add New Job
If adding a job is permitted for your account you can add a new job for yourself / your company.
Once saved it will auto update the providers Admin account with the job. They (administrator) will still need to dispatch it to the fieldworker.
Select the Job Type, Service Description, Fieldworker & your preferred Dates
Hit Save & Close to add this job.
6. Advanced Search
By default only current Active Jobs are visible on the home page.
To view all past jobs or to filter your jobs list:
- Click ‘Advanced Search’
- Choose ‘Select All’ for Status
- Hit Search
- A past dated completed job is now visible in the jobs list
7. Scheduler
The Scheduler is a Calendar View of all jobs for you
- You can choose to filter this by Period Type – Daily, Weekly or Monthly
- You can also toggle by date in Day View
Here is listed all the documents that have been attached to any job for you.
Whilst we enjoy being paid, we enjoy seeing you happy with the pest-free outcome more.
Want your annoying pest problem gone?
Call or email Peace of Mind Pest Management today to take control – and solve your pest problem once and for all.
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We'll take care of your pest problems whether they crawl, scamper, creep, slither or fly.
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